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- key for An apartment Lavapies - take to security of medialab
- get cooking clock
- Friday: test Michael network device
- mail Aymeric
Print work in medialab
- make lists for morning threads (7 for continue + discuss if more people want to join)
- Quote Hannah Ahrendt
- legal questions - list page
- Statements per exercise
Meeting Medialab
- microphones and recording on Thursday
- paper, post-its and pens
- put files on Constant Owncloud
- do: get quotes from transmediale
- put audio on phone to listen to (Lieven & transmediale)
- get money
Print in Wtc
- ticket
- deze planning
- document gosie
- paper rond design & copyright in EU
When is an object ’common’ and what does it mean to have it ’in common’?
Designing and making objects under Open Content licenses can produce, reproduce or block a myriad of possible relations. Your geopolitical situation, the resources you have available and your daily requirements change the connections that a ’common’ object can generate. In this hands-on worksession we want to look at these aspects of creating digital and physical objects, in day to day practices.
The participants
You have been invited by Constant vzw from Brussels for this worksession in Medialab Prado. The programme was made by Wendy Van Wynsberghe, Susana Moliner Delgado & Laura Fernandez (with feedback & support from the Constant team).
In the Objects in Common worksession about 20/25 people will work for a whole week on 5 areas of work (see below).
Most participants are linked to a fablab/hackerspace/makespace, or their geographical location influences their practice profoundly.
A few are linked to academic institutions, a few to arts instutions, others are self-run or have made their own model.
Almost all people have an active "maker" practise
Almost everyone has been invited, to make the group as diverse as possible, with complementary competences, yet no guaranteed consensus.
The dayprogramme
10:00 - 13:30 Hands-on session in Fablab @ Medialab Prado -
Lunch (get ticket from An)
16:00 - 20:00 Area of work in La Cantina @ Medialab Prado
* The mornings: Hands-on
In the morning we work in the fablab of Medialab Prado. We only deal with with existing projects involving "common" objects, this could be in the form of a digital file from a repository.
Small groups will form, and they will choose a(n) object(s) to work on.
This digital/physical object should be transformed/merged with another/deconstructed, made in to a digital and physical object, documented and shared again.
For example : how a bookstand (
) can become an armchair (
We have 4 mornings to work on this: Tuesday 08/03, Wednesday 09/03, Thursday 10/03, Friday 11/03.
Of course we will bump into problems, of a legal kind or already in the digital/physical universe.
There are 4 threads to choose from:
1) continue, build upon an existing project
2) merge two projects
3) transform a project
4) deconstruct (and reimagine/refabricate)
* The afternoons: Areas of work - one per day
In the afternoon we work on one specific "area of work".
Every theme will have a tight list of what we will talk about (and how long) and how we will document it.
All themes are interconnected - they are not separate, but we will highlight them as they all have their own issues and potential.
- emphasis on documentation
- structured thinking moments
- all together or in smaller groups
- collective brainpower
- imagining other scenario's, present or future
MONDAY 07/03
-- Morning
- common is not common
Every day, one area of work
the 5 areas of work are interconnected
There is a theme of the day, as an anchor point
what is at stake?
- resilience
In ecology, resilience is the capacity of an ecosystem to respond to a perturbation or disturbance by resisting damage and recovering quickly.
la capacité d'un écosystème, d'une espèce ou d'un individu à récupérer un fonctionnement ou un développement normal après avoir subi une perturbation ;
- the geopolitical factor --> look already in Belgium, two regions or in Spain - Catalunya versus for example Andalucia
Mali is not Togo is not Senegal is not Marocco
- What are common problems?
- learn from each other
- Find common ground & areas of disagreement/differences
- exchanging practices & imagining other ways of doing
Conversation piece
"Making and politics"
- hannah arhendt & human condition (1958) --> she tries to tackle the same topic as what we're trying to tackle today
she went through an area she's not so familiar with, such as the technology, automation etc
main idea = create - pay attention than when we talk about work & production & so on --> be more careful in what we are doing and how we are discussing it rephrase
so instead of talking about work she thinks of 3 words:
- action, being political, being engaged in policy
- work, which is making, producing things
- labour, which is us as human species
-----> the geopolitical
transitie naar werksessie maken - hoe zijn die drie termen aan de werksessie verbonden
the traditional substitution of making for acting --> quote -- the modern age
The modern age, in its early concern with tangible products and demonstrable profits or its later obsession with smooth functioning and sociability, was not the first to denounce the idle uselessness of action and speech in particular and of politics in general. Exasperation with the threefold frustration of action-the unpredictability of its outcome, the irreversibility of the process, and the anonymity of its authors-is almost as old as recorded history. It has always been a great temptation, for men of action no less than for men of thought, to find a substitute for action in the hope that the realm of human affairs may escape the haphazardness and moral irresponsibility inherent in a plurality of agents. The remarkable monotony of the proposed solutions throughout our recorded history testifies to the elemental simplicity of the matter. Generally speaking, they always amount to seeking shelter from action's calamities in an activity where one man, isolated from all others, remains master of his doings from beginning to end. This attempt to replace acting with making is manifest in the whole body of argument against "democracy," which, the more consistently and better reasoned it is, will turn into an argument against the essentials of politics.
summary--- of Ahrendt's quote
too much focus on stuff, production
--> we are being blinded, not seeing the politics rephrase
- where is the space of disagreement?
we should have a way to act in that space
- can you ever take the politics out of making?
-> resources?
-> where are you making?
-> what are you making?
Show Raspberry Pi
Go to Fablab & show GriGri stuff
-- Spaces+ relations (fablabs, hackerspaces, makerspaces ..)
A fablab is not a hackerspace &&&
Why these distinctions?
What if none of these spaces are available or possible?
Does the machinery define the space?
What about access, membership, free entrance (or not)?
How do you get funding (or not)?
“Hacklabs are, mostly, voluntaryrun spaces providing free public access to computers and internet. They generally make use of
reclaimed and recycled machines running GNU/Linux, and alongside providing computer access, most hacklabs run workshops in a range of
topics from basic computer use and installing GNU/Linux software, to programming, electronics, and independent (or pirate) radio
broadcast. The first hacklabs developed in Europe, often coming out of the traditions of squatted social centres and community media
labs. In Italy they have been connected with the autonomist social centres, and in Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands with anarchist Squatting movements"
Even makerlabs are sometimes commercial ventures (like the Fablab in Budapest), building on the idea of providing access to tools to companies and individuals as a service. Fablabs may be the next generation of the hackerspace evolution, focusing on manifacturing custom built objects in the context of reimagining the factory. What sets hackerspaces apart — along with most fablabs — is that they are set up by hackers for hackers with the simple mission of supporting the process of hacking.
hacker = computer hacking history, really skilful --> able to misuse!
higher level of things
maker = general word (clever branding by o'reilly)
stoppped making for a mail --> consumerism (when factory made replaced home made --> before everything was home made ---> afterwards branding
Short time of human history of non making things
corporate logic --> making --> making money
keep the curiosity!!
learning by doing
critical maker - cf critical thinking - way to reflect on what you are doing & on the world
--> does the space/collective stop when you stop?
not modelled on github
model for export - do it anywhere ---> NO! projects are local
anything designed to scale - kate rich is very weary of
you can exchange ideas, learn from each other..
- I am part of ---> why and how
I belong to a ... because...
je fais partie de ... parce que ... (pourquoi et comment)
(write down one sentence)
- how is the space more than the machines/tools?
Comment un collectif/espace est plus que les machines/outils?
- You can take only one item from your fablab/hackerspace/... what do you take and why?
cf Hackerspace Cairo Egypt
Egyptian critical media:
- You can add one "thing" to your fablab/collective - what? and why
----> fab - hack - make --> what's in a verb?
- conditions of Fab/Hack/Make/other?
MIT Fablab charter
Leuven: Wim & Marc --> you are in the same space, how does it function?
- how does a space give access - room for diversity?
diversity --> what? gender, genre? Active policy?
- communication & community --> why and how?
--> the roar of machinery
(my 3d printer is better than yours - or more open source?)
--> who can touch the machines? Where is the trust? What about the insurance..?
rules and regulations, barriers to access, entrance fee? membership?
--> China or die
-- Repositories, sharing platforms, documentation (manuals, videos).
Question the status platforms itself, and how they influence/determine the object.
Services vs selfhosting. Relations produced through/by specific
platforms (licenses, terms of use ...); desired relations --
archipelago, p2p.
What relationship does the repository create towards the object?
What will the platform evolve to?
What are real and imaginary documenting strategies?
Using open-source tools to hide legally challenging 3d printable objects in more common, host model files to get your files though the filters of 3d on demand printing services that prohibits the printing of these objects.
Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men
- is meritocracy alive?
- map out loud all repositories
----- including who owns it
----- content behind login wall or not?
----- what licenses?
----- what kind of digital/physical objects are posted
------ insular or connected?
----- commercial or not
--- can it be modified
------ search engine?
Where do you document? Why?
Is it insular or connected?
---> Libre Objet book - sources!!
--> groups present the project of the other! 10 minutes - make groups on beforehand
- El Recetario
- Fablab Leuven
- Design for everyone
- Libre Objet mini repo
Future exercise ***&&&&&&
-- Resources, materials and relations (geopolitics, ecology, economy)
Depending on your geographical location, space, budget, politics, funding, the machines you work with, the material will vary greatly.
How do you deal with recycling/reuse? Where do you get your material (wood, plastic..)?
With Blanca Callen (one day participant)
last project at Design School (they are first grade students): they had to design something functional from discarded materials but also they had to define an elimination/reusing plan for it. If you work with waste avoid to make waste!
Do the same project in 5 different places --> with the obvious divisions:
-- Mali
-- Togo
-- Marocco
-- Senegal
-- Belgium (for example Timelab Gent)
of course - it's a thinking exercise, we will not run to the fablab
A kind of "production" diagram
5 project leaders, 5 groups
include microcontroller, electronics, programming, physical materials and machines
- Blanca on her research
- what is waste for your maker practise?
How do you deal with it?
Is re-use / recycling on your agenda? How?
Where do you get your material (wood, plastic..)?
- Methods of using spare place for constructive projects - and making the most of your work surface (
-- Licenses and the relations they produce. Is the current open content legal context sufficient? What about collective work? What about the digital/object legal relationship?
What about collaborative work and merging several projects (with different licences)? Does the most closed license always win? What do you do with Share Alike? How is the physical object linked to the digital one? This is a globally fragmented model - how does it work in your context?
With Malcolm Bain from id-lawpartners (one day participant)
I would definitely though be interested in how can we safely make a copy
of an object that is protected by copyright but that has its design
rights revoked. There is, I'm sure, tricks and loopholes. Or at least
things we can do.
- What happens if someone takes pictures of an object from many angles and reconstructs the model in 3D from it? Who owns the copyright? What can be done with the resulting file?
- What if I take the plans from a design for example and change the overall scale and materials to make it, is that allowed? For example, I take a wooden chair and make it into a small 3D plastic toy version, or construct it at the size of a house with bricks and concrete?
- Who is responsible for the design of an object and the accidents that can occur from it's use or fabrication? Can this resoponsibility be limited with a license or terms of use for an object?
- A product design that has been desposited is only protected for 25 years, right? But when does an object becomes a "product design" instead of a sculpture or another cultural artifact? Or let's phrase it the other way around, if the length of protection for a desposited design is different than copyright length of protection, what happens when one is ending before the other?
- Parmi les licenses libres disponibles pour les designers, beaucoup (si pas toutes) se basent sur le droit d'auteur. Je sais que la CC 4.0 tend
à minimiser l'impact du droit moral (incessible bien souvent en Europe). Y a-t-il des licenses qui protègent mieux "contre" le droit moral d'un
auteur pour les adaptations?
Le droit moral, c'est ce truc qui fait que l'intégrité d'un auteur est liée à sa création. Et que donc, même s'il autorise les modifications et
remix, si jamais il pense que ton remix touche à son intégrité, il peut t'interdire le remix de sa création. Dans certain pays, ce droit est
- Creative Commons license and patent
It is released as CC-NC-SA and he wants to patent it!
Section 2.b.2.:
Patent and trademark rights are not licensed under this Public License.
Shouldn't he have used this:
instead or
something else?
The fact is that CC licences do not cover patents, so in theory it is possible to have patent-pending or patented design and release it under a CC license, the CC license will only affect the copyright(able) part of the design. If there is a copyright in the design to begin with. How this then works in practice is a bit of uncharted territory. In any case I believe the patent restrictions will have their full effect and the CC license will not change anything about this.
The Model Patent License by CC is not really operational i think, it's an old tool that was never really used much if I recall correctly .
Thomas Margoni from Ivir in Amsterdam has written an interesting paper on the combination CC licenses and design rights, maybe it has some useful information -->
Merge automatic
What about CERN - is it better for design?
FRIDAY 11/03
16:00 - 19:00
-- Digital to physical(fileformats, vectors, limitations, transformations)
Describing a physical object in a digital way includes making choices, your software will determine quite a lot.
What software do you use? What machines can you use or do you have access to? Is it proprietary or self-built? What digital format does the machine understand? What happens if you change from one programme to the other?
What system do you use to document? Does it allow disagreement, can it go beyond a fork?
Every machine you use for doing this digital to physical translation has it's own specificities:
---> a 3d printer adds layers (and needs for example support structures)
---> a Cnc takes away material, such as wood, or foam and it is impossible to make 90 degree sharp angles
- we need to talk about failure - slecht vertalen naar andere omgevingen,
- lost in conversion (lost in translation)
- Svg versioning - the story (by Julien Deswaef)
- 2D - 3D
communiceren met machines
in het fysiek worden
weghalen is anders dan opbouwen
van plan, instructie naar productie
10:00 - 13:00
Round-up and aperitif!
The Objects in Common team will be available for questions afterwards
temporary notes - finances - take care of cash - Alvaro -
list of questions
keys of appartments of people who arrive on the sunday
meeting with laura & sonia on the 4th
openness to locals - wemake
- brainstorm material - in the kitchen
- fablab - sign a paper that you will respect the rules
Preparatory work
- make Fichas/index cards of everyone & gather them in a booklet together with the programme of the session
(loosely inspired by
How do you introduce yourself to someone?
-- Name?
-- geographical location(s)?
-- How would you define your activity/job/profession?
-- Do you have a price list / fees? How does this function, as a service or for the use? Membership?
-- Do you retain ownership of your work/works once transferred? Licenses..
-- what hacker/maker/...space or fab/...lab are you linked to and how? Can you say something about the space/collective you are linked to?
-- how does this space/collective function? Organisation wise - funding?
-- what about documentation?
- per subject, digital documentation & take photographs
onversation piece
"Making and politics"
hannah arhend & human condition (1958) --> she tries to tackle the same topic as what we're trying to tackle today
he went through an area she's not so familiar with, such as the technology, automation etc
ain idea = create - pay attention than when we talk about work & production & so on --> be more careful in what we are doing and how we are discussing it rephrase
o instead of talking about work she thinks of 3 words:
action, being political, being engaged in policy
work, which is making, producing things
labour, which is us as human species
-----> transitie naar werksessie maken - hoe zijn die drie termen aan de werksessie verbonden
he traditional substitution of making for acting --> quote -- the modern age
The modern age, in its early concern with tangible products and demonstrable profits or its later obsession with smooth functioning and sociability, was not the first to denounce the idle uselessness of action and speech in particular and of politics in general. Exasperation with the threefold frustration of action-the unpredictability of its outcome, the irreversibility of the process, and the anonymity of its authors-is almost as old as recorded history. It has always been a great temptation, for men of action no less than for men of thought, to find a substitute for action in the hope that the realm of human affairs may escape the haphazardness and moral irresponsibility inherent in a plurality of agents. The remarkable monotony of the proposed solutions throughout our recorded history testifies to the elemental simplicity of the matter. Generally speaking, they always amount to seeking shelter from action's calamities in an activity where one man, isolated from all others, remains master of his doings from beginning to end. This attempt to replace acting with making is manifest in the whole body of argument against "democracy," which, the more consistently and better reasoned it is, will turn into an argument against the essentials of politics .
ummary--- of Ahrendt's quote
oo much focus on stuff, production
-> we are being blinded, not seeing the politics rephrase
here is the space of disagreement?
e should have a way to act in that space
introductie, wat zijn de gezamelijke problemen & wat uitleg over de 5 werkterreinen
groepen werken ele dag, elke dag een werkterrein
thema van de dag - als orientatie op hetzelfde probleem
manier vinden op hetgene dat ik wil uitzoeken - mensen aanspreken
leren van elkaar
common is not common
5 werkterreinen zijn met elkaar verbonden
what is at stake?
- resilience
- Feder support - think of necessity
hoe een ruimte toegang biedt - plaats voor diversiteit
---> uitwisselen van praktijken en andere praktijken verbeelden
Fablabs, hackerspaces, makerspaces ... rules and regulations, barriers to access, ...
----> fab - hack - make --> what's in a verb?
--> the roar of machinery
(my 3d printer is better than yours - or more open source?)
--> who can touch the machines? Where is the trust? What about the insurance..?
--> China or die
---> What if?
- Scenario 1 Worst Case scenario
Egyptian critical media:
Even Bamako is closer to home (yet the government surveillance is not the same)
space under pressure - what do you keep, what do you shed
- Scenario 2 Best Case Scenario
you get what you dream of - what do you do?
What relations do materials produce? How can we work with geopolitics, ecology, economy?
---> What if?
- make same project in Togo, Mali, Senegal, Marocco, Gent?
5 project leaders, 5 groups
include microcontroller, electronics, programming, physical materials and machines
Methods of using spare place for constructive projects - and making the most of your work surface (
Is the current open content legal context enough? What about collective work? What about the transformation from digital to physical objects?
Assemble a maximum of questions
- Creative Commons license and patent
It is released as CC-NC-SA and he wants to patent it!
Section 2.b.2.:
Patent and trademark rights are not licensed under this Public License.
Shouldn't he have used this:
instead or
something else?
The fact is that CC licences do not cover patents, so in theory it is possible to have patent-pending or patented design and
release it under a CC license, the CC license will only affect the copyright(able) part of the design. If there is a copyright in the
design to begin with. How this then works in practice is a bit of uncharted territory. In any case I believe the patent restrictions will
have their full effect and the CC license will not change anything about this.
The Model Patent License by CC is not really operational i think, it's an old tool that was never really used much if I recall correctly .
Thomas Margoni from Ivir in Amsterdam has written an interesting paper on the combination CC licenses and design rights, maybe it has some
useful information. I'll include it in attachment.
--> list of questions on the Libre Objet book:
although design rights might have a short lifespan, the copyrights still apply.
I would definitely though be interested in how can we safely make a copy of an object that is protected by copyright but that has its design
rights revoked. There is, I'm sure, tricks and loopholes. Or at least things we can do.
There is also the whole notion of responsibility (safety) that needs to be addressed.
--> what about collaborative work and merging several projects (with different licences) --> does the most closed license always win? what do you do with Share Alike??
--> ask Aymeric mansoux for input on this theme
sharing platforms, documentation (manuals, videos). Question the status of the platforms itself, and how it forms the object. Services vs selfhosting. Relations produced through/by specific platforms (licenses, terms of use ...); desired relations — archipelago, p2p.
-- Brainstorm: Bring all repositories together - where are digital/physical objects posted, under what conditions, how are they available, can you post yourself --> map & list
- commercial or not
- search engine
- behind subscription wall
- from one particular project
- insular or connected
-- The case of FABLAB Leuven - document or pay
-- methodologies of El Recetario
- usinette re-using plastic extruder
Using open-source tools to hide legally challenging 3d printable objects in more common, host model files to get your files though the filters of 3d on demand printing services that prohibits the printing of these objects.
- is meritocracy alive?
Digital to physical
What is the influence of file-formats, vectors on material culture? What are its limitations, what transformations does it make possible?
- we need to talk about failure - slecht vertalen naar andere omgevingen,
- lost in conversion (lost in translation)
- Svg versioning - the story (by Julien Deswaef)
- 2D - 3D
communiceren met machines
in het fysiek worden
weghalen is anders dan opbouwen
van plan, instructie naar productie