Constant Nucleus 10-01-2011
* Reissubsidie from the VG for the trip to Colombia:
? Can this be done by Mangrove?
P + A will look into it
* Future of Constant 2013 - 2016?
Deadline for dossier VG is 1 october
Q: What are our feelings about doing the same system as for 2010 - 2013?
Nicolas thinks those meetings were important because we were involving the members more deeply. For a while it was easier to work with them.
Mixed feelings about starting up work groups
Peter: work groups are more hands-on meetings (ex Samedies....)
--> work moments with the members: was more discussion on text we wrote, we discussed our content with them -> important: we wrote + translated all the text before (is good motivation to clarify)
--> We should rethink expectations of the meeting, what do we expect to come out
Also would like to discuss basic: what exactly does it mean 'being a member of Constant', is stgh different than work groups. Does not want to make a formal text to 'impress' our members. A lot of the people who engaged before, were not members at that moment.
Wendy: does not function well in meetings in big groups
An: difference between ALV - AG and the thematic meetings.
Important considerations:
* Size of meetings. (8 persons worked, 15 did not work at all)
* Result was mainly an Energy that we got out of it. Present our thinking and associate on it.
--> **We meet 31 january 17.00 and have a 'future of constant' dinner in Molenbeek.
* Planning date ALV in beginnning of March:
17-3-2011 at 18h-18h30
* Planning production year rapport 2010
****--> on agenda for nucleus 24-2-2011
* Look at the Labtolab planning ?
Including having a deeper look a the Acta part - - also for samedies Laurence Vandewalle -> Ecolos/Greens
-> who do you want to invite for the future session on the Thursday morning
* Meeting P+ W: budget L2L
(-> budget for labtolab (for catering, participation, future session)
(what is the saldo in 2011 ? + How much budget needs to ne transfered from 2010 ?)
* Question of Catherine: Carto textile: Wendy responded.
Wendy in Nantes: arrive on the 24th, work on the 25th & the 26th, March, be there for the vernissage -> if possible leave on the Sunday late!
** Nicolas answers to Catherine
* Detail: Can we add an openstreetmap marker to the website ?
This to the Constant website:
View Larger Map
--> in About/contact + change mail address
* 2 places to stay on mid feb for 2-3 nights in Brux? 11-13 february 2011
Seda, David Helbich:
? what is the phone number to call to know what is art or not (Wendy?)
* practical question: how to embed ogg video in wordpress
- how to set a date manually in wordpress (2107)
* stagiaire:
*** An & Peter swapped weeks
*** A, P, F, send questions to Nicolas before 19-01
* news about the bookscanner :-)
it would be ready soon.
Bookscanner is build by Michael in hackerspace.
On tuesday evenings we can use it in the hackerspace.