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13 / 06
François explains the network of pi's:
"un chemin dans lequel les données passent"
a pathway along which data is passing
"les pi's crient: je suis là, écoutez moi"
pi's are shouting: i am there, listen to me
"chaqu'un peut dire: j'ai besoin de vous"
every one can say : i need you"
"au debut tout le monde sai
ou tout le monde va"
in the beginning everyone knows where everyone is going
"si un point n'a pa besoin d'information on peu lui dire: oui je sais que tu es la, mais je n'ai pas besoin de toi"
if one point does not need information it can be told: yes i know that you are there, but I don't need you
q: we are the raspbrrries and if we ask information of one, we get it
a: yes and not everyone is speaking at the same time