idea to combine monster bots & narrator bots & expert bots

- Monk bot to keep the chat log.
- Editing bot that you ask with 1 command to publish line x to x in a separate text file (and then you can continue wiritng your comments/thoughts in that file)

- bot that changes its ID: 
- being kicked out // kill people as consequence: James is reading IRC-specs to find 'not too unpleasant' way to kill people, monster always murders without witness
- weather/climate bot: change its mood following rela life weather data // change colour depending on style (Franco Moretti)
Piero made a bot (it responds to the string "how are" written in the channel with some "mood" based on the temperature of a given location:
- private messages with statements from the novel


Some of these questions about the text (novel) can be used for the introduction (07/09 morning) but should be practically connected to some bots we will propose

- online materials of the places that are mentioned in the novel cfr Librarian bot (Relearn)
- 3 (not 4, as the cottager doesn't really speak in first person) 'I' perspectives in the novel, play with that?:
    - a bot that speaks with three first person perspectives - russian doll narrative structure

- emotion analysis (people weep a lot in a novel):
    - a bot that "weeps" according to the emotion analysis of the chatroom

- expand the novel with scientific knowledge on how to make a monster (it only takes 1 page), relate to existing technologies (nanotechnolgy) the real construction of the monster is not present in the novel: 
    - a bot that gives an account of how it was made
    - a bot that gives an account of how the monster was made (output to be inserted in the original novel?)

- what if he would have found other material, ex Tay's nazist tweet inputs
- it doesn't require Victor anymore to create its soulmate, he could create using the same algorithm 
- how does an IRC-monster look like? its sight frightens people, cfr Tay is a virtual monster
    - Eliza:
    - ascii art bot maker?

- F monster wasn't necessarily bad, saves kid, but frightens so much that he's shot
- focus on AI information
- modern Prometheus: what is the gift here?:
    - a bot that gives randomly generated gifts to users

- link to luddism UK at that time? a bot that has limited lives: 
    - the user fights the bot to kill it 

- a real description of the monster is missing in the novel (body parts animated by electricity are later depiction):
    - a bot that describes its own physical appearence 

- the monster doesn't have a name in the novel (it's referred to as "monster", "fiend", demon", etc):
    - a bot that gives itself names 
    - a bot that takes user's names to add to its own (Anja's bot?)

- it disappears many times -> where does it go? or why?:
    - a bot that narrates why it leaves, it answers questions from the participants on why it had to leave
    - a bot that narrates what happens to the monster after the end of the novel (sequel bot?)

- propose bot with story of Frankenstein we like
- speaking about F with Open source material (public domain

- notion of friendship (social network analysis)

- rewrite/remix code to remix text
- language construction, learning vocabularies: copy word, reverse word, replace word by definition, replace word by synonyms, learn frequency, going in dialogue using patterns (Eliza), answering using POS, librarian (finding links & references on the web based on given words), add opinion/sentiment analysis, speaking fluent/creating new words using neural networks
-> follow Oulipo recipes?
- a bot with quotes from other writers about Frankenstein


See also:

## Script for learning definitions of nouns from textfile, cfr Oulipo 'littérature définitionnelle':
## Bot learning definitions from IRC message:
* synonyms, definitions: Wordnet
* Pattern for Python (Python2.7)

## Monkbot/Typewriter/Logbook
-> better use logfile of client (limechat, pidgin...)
For Pidgin: it stores its settings and logs in ~/.purple in html-format :-(
    might be good to look for other FLOSS client

## Multi-threaded murder bot

## Weather bot
it responds to the string "how are" written in the channel with some "mood" based on the temperature of a given location:

## Counting Word Occurances from .txt log file

## Existing Python scripts based on Oulipo recipes (not bots yet)
- adapting the reading glasses: cleaning up a text file & split in list of sentences
- counting frequency of all words of a text
- counting frequency grand cru: counting frequency of non stopwords only
- counting as canonical reviewer: counting percentage of unique words in text
- novel starring you: replaces naim of character in text by other name
- remixing: selects senteces of 2 source texts based on keywords and rewrites them (shuffled) in new text
- tautology: This script selects 1 or more random sentences from a text and expands them by adding synonyms of adjectives and nouns. 
- whenever in the modd: This script selects 1 or more random sentences from a text and expands them by adding synonyms or antonyms of adjectives and nouns depending on your mood
- 'mots perecquiens' (cfr Oulipo): 
- rewrite sentence using POS only:
- count most frequent POS used in text: