digraph G { dpi=300 rankdir=BT; compound=true; * * node [fontcolor=black fillcolor=white fontsize=18 style=filled fontname="PropCourierSans"] *{ * *{ *Yes [shape=polygon sides=5 fillcolor=black fontcolor=white style=filled fontname="PropCourierSans-Bold"] *No [shape=polygon sides=8 fillcolor=black fontcolor=white style=filled fontname="PropCourierSans-Bold"] *} * *{ *node [fontname="PropCourierSans-bold" fillcolor=gold fontcolor=black margin="0.25,0.25" shape="rect"] *education [label="EDUCATION"] *tools [label="TOOLS"] *practice [label="PRACTICE"] *} [arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none;] * *subgraph cluster1 { *style=dotted; *education -> { *q6 [label="Lifelong learning"] *q7 [label="An open standard"] *} [arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none;] *} [arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none;] * *subgraph cluster2 { *style=dotted; *tools -> { *"I want my materials to be\neditable by\nteachers and students alike" -> { *node [style=dashed] *q1 [label="Should teachers and students have equal access?"] *q2 [label="How to prepare for Digital Design practice of the future"] *} [arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none] *q3 [label="It changes\nthe way you teach"] *q4 [label="Not\nan industry standard"] *q2 -> { *node [style=dashed] *q5 [label="software is not just a\ntool but it changes\nmy practice"] *} [arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none] *q3 -> { *node [style=dashed] *q8 [label="software is just a tool"] *} [arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none;] *} [arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none;] *} [arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none;] * *q8 -> q5 [dir=both; label="? "; fontname="PropCourierSans"; fontsize=24 arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none; angle=0] *q6 -> q3 [arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none;] *q7 -> q4 [style=dashed; arrowhead=none; arrowtail=none;] * *practice -> tools [dir=both, penwidth=2] *education -> tools [dir=both, penwidth=2] *education -> practice [dir=both, penwidth=2] *} }