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Monday 12 till Friday 23 January 2015
40 participants

We create inter / multidisiciplinary groups that work around a topic that guanrantees a layered and multidisciplinary approach.
The groups work separately, and interconnect. The work process is do cu mented, regular reports allow for overview. Daily exchanges with on e or more experts.
* 12-16th January: 'The data portrait of a potato': http://note.pad.constantvzw.org/public_pad/Cqrrelations_potato
Tuesday 13th afternoon: excursion
* 19-23rd January: 'Data patterns for reading & writing': http://note.pad.constantvzw.org/public_pad/Cqrrelations_reference
Friday 23rd afternoon: Presentation of work-in-progress developed during worksession

Public moments
1. Thursday 15 January @ Recyclart , start 20h
An: this is the same evening as documentaries in framework of CPDP
reference room & presentation of worksession

2. Thursday 22 January @ deBuren, start 19:30h
Lecture with CPDP , Geoffrey Bowker, Antoinette Rouvroy, Seda Gürses
80 people, bring our own audience (students ERG, Mons...)

3. Dataconcert & Party @ Caves Les Halles
Presentation of work-in-progress developed during worksession & dataconcert

Available spaces in De Buren
from 10h - 18h (when they have public events we can continue all evening)

- Groundfloor: one corner can be used as workspace, staff of deBuren uses this place for lunch and for their events, wifi, beamer, sound
- 1st floor: will be the workspace with several tables, wifi, beamer, sound, coffee and tea
BUT needs to be rearranged with chairs for event in the evening of 13th January before 15h
- 4th floor: workspace for max 8 deelnemers, wifi, sound, no beamer
- 2nd floor: could be alternative for workspace on groundfloor, not on 13-1, 14-1, 20-1

Practical questions
- how to make sure we avoid a technical crash course? Because of the steep learning curve that is part of data-analysing, statistics, mathematics, datavisualisation...
It can be decided collectively. If some common knowledge is required to facilitate collaboration, it can be organized ad hoc.
how to make sure we avoid the 'spectacle of datavisualisation' using excel-sheets and visualisation softwares?
-> proposal to work with local experts (who know both the data and their natural habitat) like Anne-Laure Buisson, Antoinette Rouvroy, Benoît Laine:
    1. for tools
    2. for datasets we want to use - go and visit them? invite them punctually?
-> proposal to create Portraits of datasets that include datamining, correlations, données & méta-données
make  sure we question all notions that we sometimes take for granted too  easily; find ways to make things more complicated then they seem to be  at first glance. rendre les choses plus compliqué es
a visit to a dataset can also be a way for people to join the event, when they can't join the sessions themselves. 

-----> Reply Anne-Laure: "oh oh oh oh oh oh  ouiiii ! :-)
C'est  un peu  la course en ce moment, mais ce sera certainement plus calme  après les  pinks... Est ce que c'est ok pour vous si je donne un accord  de principe  maintenant, qu'on fait un temps de discussion ouverte en  octobre, et  qu'on laisse les choses sérieuses pour décembre ?"
-----> ULB, Séminarie on Google or not Google, with ao Antoinette Rouvroy, Tylor Reigeluth, Pasquinelli, Ippolita collective

- what kind of data do we want to use: numbers, texts, images, blogposts, satellite images (composed not by light but by numbers)...?
-> think of partners who could be interested by another perspective on their data?

- where do we get 40 participants during 14 days?  open call for one workgroup? split in 2 groups? fees for artists? (now:  only 2500€ or 250€ for 10 people for period of 10 working days) . Is 40 participants a requirement?
- how to pay experts? invitees?
- find cheap solutions for staying over (rent big rooms: JES, youth hostal, appartements, couch surfing ?)