Title 2084: Rise of the Botnet Description Consciences Link to proposals:http://relearn.be/ether/p/proposals-2014 ** CTCP Client-to-Client Protocol (1990),https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client-to-client_protocol** DCC (Direct Client-to-client) (1991),https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Client-to-Client Documentation on IRC http://irchelp.org/irchelp/changuide.htmlprelude for beginners:http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/new2irc.html http://pzwart3.wdka.hro.nl/wiki/IRC Funny commands:Rights & privileges Different types of channels Words of warning on IRC-bots & DCC IRC scripts are sets of commands that your clientwill run. Many otherwise good scripts have been hacked so that if you load them, you can seriously compromise your security (someone can get into your account, delete all of your files, read your mail, etc.). There are also evildoers who try to send people viruses and other bad things. Just like in real life, don’t accept anything from a stranger. There have been many incidents of this type, not just a few. Do not ever Automatic DCC get http://www.raspberrypihelp.net/tutorials/17-raspberry-pi-irc-server http://lists.ircd-hybrid.org/pipermail/hybrid/2011-April/001354.html http://ewh.ieee.org/econf/usage.html Tactical Chat https://publicintelligence.net/tactical-chat/ * Imagine an alternate reality retelling of "the web" to Tim Berners Lee http://info.cern.ch/Proposal.html * Shades of Saskia Aldinger's Daughter of all demos http://saskia-aldinger.com/daughter.html A first attempt of text following Tim Berners Lee's noteRelearn 2084: Rise of the Botnet [logo needs adaptation to logo of Summerschool 2084: Rise of the Botnet] A hand conversion to Etherpad of the original IRC (or dIRC?) log written collectively for the Relearn in Variable/Brussels in March 2014 and later redistributed unchanged apart from the date added in July 2014. Provided here for pragmatical interest only. The diagrams are a bit dotty, but available in versions linked below. The text has not been changed, even to correct errors such as misnumbered figures or unfinished references. Other versions which are available are: *The original document file (I think - I can't test it) * *The RTF file generated from the above, with scalable drawings * *A Microsoft style HTML file generated from the RTF file by MSword in 1998, with pixely versions of the drawings The Botnet: A Proposal Overview Collective workflows at VARIABLE *constant questioning (instead of automatic updates) * *negociation (instead of having the option to agree by drinking from a dirty cup of water) * *being invited into the evolving flexible design of the network, the spaces, the Bots * *using one or more nicknames * *changing roles between users, operators and administrators * *receiving people in the network by sending them warm welcoming messages * * * Mesh chat systems & bot population *Gitorious:https://gitorious.org/activearchives/botbotbot * *Etherpad:http://note.pad.constantvzw.org:8000/1108 * *Google search machine * *Wordpress blogs * * * *reports to B when there is an update on one of the storage spaces * *publishes on B * *looks for useful links on B * *rephrases information * *communicates directly to C without passing through a server * *sends a package directly to C * *receives a package directly from C * *changes the permissions for C * * * The playfullness of working with Bots [add: our short experiences with these active digital agents known as ªBotsº, describes the playfullness of their presence in VARIABLE, and what other functions they may provide.] VARIABLE Requirements Conclusion A Practical Project *IRC, portable, supported on many platforms, still heavily used after 28 years * * * References http://www.w3.org/History/1989/proposal.html ------------------------------- Saturday 31st May todo * set-up server & router (MM) * name spaces: wifi (piratebox/laptop/router), server (Variable) -> hierarchical structure & modularity: private space, shared fileserver/room, shared house space, public internet * write friendly welcoming instructions to users *