2084: Rise of the Botnet


10-11.15  Introduction / Botopera
* What's Constant
* What's Public Domain Day?
* Performance in Nova (clip)
* Vitrine (picts / flyer)
* Screencast of the Web based install (or have running / show live)

11.15 - 11.30: break

11.30-13 Hands-on IRC
Introduction to history / social use & protocol
look at different contemporary uses
* Botnets & Spam
* Login / people need an IRC client
* Introduction participants on IRC & Log in Pidgin

13.00-14.00 lunch

14.00-15.30  __IRC
__Social Shell
Connecting to the PI
* Create user accounts (someone is sysop)
Command line interface
Using social commands like write, wall, whois, who
* espeak, wget, fbi/fim?
* Creating a simple script: I love you-bot (youhoubot.py) instead of playing the latest BBC news, Example of speaking the latest headline
* Play with different voices (female, male, low, high, different languages)
* Working with command line programs (man page, options)

15.30-15.45: break

15.45-18h :

Manual Bots
* think about a possible bot...
* Perform our bots, only react when addressed by name

stdin/stdout bots
* create simple text bot
* present 1st 'botnet' as botparade


10.00 - 11.15
Demonstration of bots
( Specifically: whooshbot + beatrix modules )
Different modalities of working + 1 demo/each
* Bots with their own timing
* Bots that don't just respond
* How to make bots "smarter" (state machine)
( Topics: connecting python with BASH (calling espeak))

Present plans / discussion (based on the plans)
(Might just be a brief moment to group together to check on people's progress with plans)
Talk about how the bots might work together
(most simple: bots only react when addressed by name)

13.00-14.00 lunch

14:00-15:30 WORKING

15:30 - 15:45: Break

15:45 - 18:00: Presentation + archiving (personal + gitlab)
* Check that the bots run together
* Make an inventory of what's been used (write the credits for the installation)

* Make Screencast of Vitrine / server install
* Timeline placing IRC in context
* Images of IRC welcome messages (MM)
* Images of connecting via different IRC clients (MM)
* Revisit the botopera patching code (MM)
* Check for OS X friendly IRC software
* POC Script to speak from an RSS feed (MM)
* TP-Link (Elak) (MM)

* Pictures: Vitrine + timecodes Nova // Constant & PDD (An)
* IRC introduction & spam (An)
* Organising existing scripts Relearn & PDD (An)
* FNAC/Mediamarkt etc: small keyboard, Pico Projector, Speakers + batteries (An)


* chatclient (OSX Lion + 64-bit Intel Mac): http://colloquy.info
* ssh & ftp: https://cyberduck.io/
* editor: http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/index.html

Some links
* espeak manpages:

* plumbing pipebots:

* history of IRC

* timeline of the Internet

Connecting to local network botnet.local

* connect:
ssh pi@botnet.local

* disconnect

* copy ssh-key onto Pi
ssh-copy-id pi@botnet.local

* copy folder-with-content from your own machine onto Pi (make sure you're not logged onto local server + add : ton indicate location)
scp -r bots pi@botnet.local:

* move folder from home Pi to webserver Pi
sudo mv bots/ /media/GREEN/www/