(17:44:32) mode (+ns ) by sinisalo.freenode.net (18:00:56) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects. (18:01:47) renix: hey (18:01:53) P_W: hello ! (18:02:11) renix: sorry, https://jitsi.org/iterations does not work here :) (18:02:12) P_W: in a bar with looeooeoeoouuuuuud music (18:02:15) renix: oooo (18:02:18) renix: hard! (18:02:20) P_W: so maybe irc is better (18:02:24) renix: no prob (18:02:28) renix: but just to be sure (18:02:35) renix: are you at https://jitsi.org/iterations (18:02:50) renix: because on my sideq it says: not founqd (18:02:52) renix: founqd (18:02:53) P_W: oh im sorry i just quit (18:03:03) P_W: can you propose a url ? (18:03:10) renix: ok, shall we just try for a sec and then go back to irc (18:03:14) renix: well, https://jitsi.org/iterations (18:03:17) renix: or (18:03:24) renix: https://meet.jit.si/4y4g4151r79zfr (18:03:28) renix: that is where i am (18:03:53) renix: aha, there is a white shadow (18:04:10) renix: do you see me? (18:04:17) P_W: naaa (18:04:36) P_W: can you hang up with the red telphone and then reconnect ?(18:04:36) renix: ok, lets do one meeting onceq just for tech checking (18:04:48) renix: ok, can try that (18:04:59) renix: just did (18:05:05) renix: anything different? (18:05:35) P_W: pfff I guess jitsi needs a google summer :-/ (18:05:40) renix: :)) (18:05:52) P_W: anything happen since last week ? (18:05:59) renix: thats good, you could suggest that (18:06:11) renix: well: i wrote to agnese and jaromil, no answers yet (18:06:17) P_W: quit hjitsi ok ? (18:06:23) renix: and i contacted ushi and margarethe (18:06:28) renix: yes, jitis uit (18:06:41) P_W: good, ok waiting for italy then (18:06:49) P_W: do you have any ideas about that ? (18:06:50) renix: i cannot type the missing letter for writing uit corrctly (18:07:08) renix: what do you mean by ideqas? (18:07:21) renix: ideas (18:07:24) P_W: cities? ... places ? ..... and also ... budget ! (18:07:50) P_W: timing for italy would be ..... ? -> beginning 2016 ? (18:07:53) renix: well, what i askedq them both is if they could point us in the direction of an intersting placeq (18:07:58) P_W: yes (18:08:05) renix: and then take it from there (18:08:10) P_W: yes (18:08:25) renix: timewise i would suggest spring 2016 (18:08:38) P_W: I think I will start talking in abstracts to some artists here to see how they respond (18:08:43) renix: as for budget this also again deqpends on the place (18:08:58) renix: i started with ushi and margarethem, via email (18:09:06) renix: have not asked iohannes yet (18:09:10) P_W: any returns from them ? (18:09:28) renix: and i am re-thinking helene and maki - and maybe make some space for italians (18:09:35) renix: no answers yet (18:09:40) renix: busy times (18:09:48) P_W: ok, that needs time I guess (18:10:06) P_W: did you talk with ilse about logistics ? (18:10:14) renix: how do you see this: you invite yours and i invite mine, and then we additionally invote 4 italians? (18:10:32) P_W: hmm not sure (18:10:42) P_W: for graz: 3 bxl + 3 graz (18:11:01) renix: well, for now with ilse i mostly tried to make a senseful outline for the year (18:11:06) P_W: for italy ... 2 graz + 4 italy (18:11:08) renix: logistics are comming now (18:11:12) renix: ah, ok (18:11:21) renix: italy - people i mea (18:11:22) renix: n (18:11:23) P_W: for BXL: 2 italy + 4 bxl ? (18:11:30) renix: no graz? (18:11:40) P_W: hmm good point (18:11:48) renix: did we not say 2 people stay? (18:12:09) P_W: do they stay for the wole ride ? (18:12:12) P_W: h (18:12:19) renix: i thought it like: 2 people could go the whole way (18:12:20) renix: yes (18:12:31) renix: 1 BXL 1 graz (18:13:26) P_W: i understood: every iteration two from the previous time join the next team (18:13:32) renix: maybe for BXL: 2 italy, 1 graz, 3 BXL? (18:13:45) P_W: could work yes (18:14:37) renix: i mean, it is still open and we anyways dont know about italy - if it really works out, and if we get some money to do this (18:14:50) P_W: yes that's a question (18:15:14) renix: is your money defined to be used in a specific context and also countrqy? (18:15:27) P_W: I think for sure: bxl in 2016 needs extra applictaions, and we can engage to writing asking etc (18:15:43) renix: yes (18:15:43) P_W: our money for the moment is for next year: in graz. (18:15:53) renix: yes, great (18:15:56) P_W: then 2016, we did not budget anything (18:16:12) renix: no, we neither, we get yearly budgets anyhow (18:16:15) P_W: i'm just thinking what we ask a potential partner in italy: do we ask them to come up with a budget or can we offer something from our side ? (18:16:32) P_W: seems a bit much to not offer money somehow (18:16:33) renix: hard to say for esc yet (18:16:40) P_W: i understand (18:17:14) renix: well. we have to see with the people we get in touch with, if we can make it work (18:17:27) renix: because it will be in 2016 (18:17:29) P_W: yes surely (18:17:56) renix: so there is some time to look into european small grants like for travel or so (18:18:01) P_W: yes (18:18:26) renix: so, for me it more deqpends on if we find people we really want to work with on that and then we will find a way (18:18:33) renix: :) (18:18:35) P_W: yes sounds very sane (18:18:46) renix: i am an optimist, dont know if it is sane :) (18:18:57) P_W: missing your fresh air and mountains (18:19:03) renix: come! (18:19:08) renix: they are still here! (18:19:10) renix: and me too (18:19:38) P_W: here in the basement of Nova in a gay and lesbian film festival where our good friend Ginger just did a great workshop on hiding your gender online (18:19:49) renix: oh great (18:19:52) P_W: so ... no fresh air or mountains in sight ! (18:19:59) renix: ah cant we make a tunnel, a wurmwhole (18:20:08) P_W: he heh hehe great ! (18:20:17) renix: i come to the workshop and then we go to the hills (18:20:30) P_W: that is a very nice idea ... (18:20:41) P_W: i love you ! (18:20:44) renix: ! (18:20:49) P_W: :-) (18:20:49) renix: nice :) (18:21:06) renix: so this is what we should be working on with people (18:21:11) renix: now we know :) (18:21:19) P_W: I talked to donatella and martino (italians around our table) (18:21:26) renix: yes (18:21:35) P_W: they say: all interesting italians are abroad (18:21:42) renix: well... (18:21:48) P_W: and some critical voices on Jaromil ... (18:21:54) renix: lets give the remaining poor people a chanceq (18:21:59) renix: jaro- why? (18:22:05) renix: or about what? (18:22:30) P_W: I haven't followed where he is what he does? seems to have had a period in which he harrassed people on mailinglists? (18:22:42) renix: oh really, aha (18:22:47) P_W: not at all my personal experience though (18:22:52) renix: well, now he has this scholarship in amsterdam (18:23:02) renix: high high high level - which is a bit strange (18:23:12) P_W: do you know where he is? institute? (18:23:15) renix: but harrasing doesnt really sounqd like jaro (18:23:19) P_W: no (18:23:22) renix: ah, dont rememeber (18:23:25) renix: will research (18:23:44) P_W: it is not INC ? (18:23:45) renix: and yes, maybe he is not the freaky geeky heroe anymore, which probably isnt so bad either (18:23:52) P_W: he he (18:23:52) renix: no, not INC (18:23:59) renix: wait a sec i look (18:28:41) P_W: reni, do you have any more concrete idea about timing, or is the dates that we spoke about still valid ? (18:28:41) P_W: i'm trying to fix my agenda for april, many things coming up (18:28:41) P_W: http://note.pad.constantvzw.org/public_pad/iteraties (18:29:36) renix: ok, didnt find it; his professor is roy ascott anyway (18:29:41) renix: as for time: (18:29:43) renix: this is fix (18:30:02) P_W: when will I be in graz ( :-) ) (18:30:20) renix: how do you mean? (18:30:29) P_W: retro planning : (18:30:38) P_W: opening = 15 may (18:30:41) renix: yes (18:31:06) renix: ah, ok, now i get it :) (18:31:11) renix: sorry, brain.... (18:31:16) P_W: artists are there 10 days before = 5 may (18:31:22) renix: yes (18:31:33) renix: and so should you (18:31:33) P_W: are we there when the artists come ? to guide prepare ? (18:31:48) renix: you dont have to be there beforehand, that we can take care of (18:32:00) renix: or lets say - as yu prefer (18:32:01) P_W: you think: same period as artists (18:32:04) P_W: ? (18:32:10) renix: yes, i tought so (18:32:15) P_W: coumd work yes (18:32:17) renix: but we can still think about that (18:32:17) P_W: l (18:32:37) renix: we have to find out what has to be deqcideqdq beforehand (18:32:37) P_W: so in april we communicate remote (18:32:48) renix: and then we can see when you should be here (18:33:02) P_W: and early may we see some mountains (18:33:03) renix: yes, before that and starting in januqary i'd say, remote (18:33:11) renix: :) (18:33:15) P_W: okidoki (18:33:25) renix: maybe we can make a rough timeline (18:33:29) renix: from now to then (18:33:40) P_W: i keep beginning of may empty (18:33:43) renix: kind of seeing until when we have to know who is artq, (18:33:50) renix: part (18:33:54) P_W: artq .....? (18:34:00) renix: part :) (18:34:16) P_W: who is part (18:34:30) P_W: who isn't ? (18:34:32) renix: yes, who of the people that we contact now will really participate (18:34:54) P_W: got it, sorry 'Brusseleir' is 8% beer (18:35:03) renix: have you contactedq any of "yours"? (18:35:07) renix: :)) (18:35:12) P_W: no I will do that soon (18:35:17) renix: you are lucky, i am still in the office... (18:35:37) P_W: and I am thinking about a stratigical moment to talk to Imal (18:35:37) renix: dont feel like drinking alone (18:35:41) renix: yes (18:36:00) renix: how much in advance do you think you should do thatß (18:36:01) renix: ? (18:36:06) P_W: and I think, maybe after I have my list and contacted them ... so in a week or two (18:36:11) P_W: just to test the waters (18:36:16) renix: ok (18:36:39) renix: so we go for 3 BXL and 3 graz for graz, (18:36:45) renix: right? (18:36:58) P_W: yes (18:37:13) renix: ok (18:37:49) renix: so as soon as we know the 6, you coukld go to Imal, right? to have some concrete people? (18:38:00) renix: although they wont all be in Imal then (18:38:04) P_W: and for BXL in 2016: 2 italy (or where ever), 1 graz, 3 BXL, right (18:38:18) renix: that would be nice, i'd think (18:38:34) P_W: because the prtner in BXL in 2016 will want to have a strong voice in the choice of artists (18:38:47) P_W: i'm good with that division (18:38:51) renix: how do we decide anyhow, who stays? (18:38:54) renix: division? (18:39:08) P_W: distribution of artists (18:39:17) renix: ah ok, got you (18:39:33) renix: so Imal will want to have a say in the decision, you say? (18:39:44) renix: or am in confusing things now? (18:39:56) P_W: yes I guess, if they host, othewise it would be strange to impose people on them .. ? (18:40:05) P_W: in the final phase (18:40:11) P_W: not in the first Iteration (18:40:39) renix: well - this would then be after italy (if we do that), or otherwise after graz? (18:40:45) P_W: yes (18:41:25) P_W: what do you thnik ? (18:41:34) renix: well, we'll have to establish a good communication, so that we can make clear what the aim(s) of this collaboration are (18:41:47) P_W: absolutely (18:42:02) renix: then it should be fine (18:42:09) P_W: do you see obstacles ? (18:42:23) renix: we anyways have to find a good way how to take only some people along, and others stay back (18:42:37) renix: inclusion - exclusion (18:42:45) P_W: yep preferably be clear from the beginning (18:42:57) renix: oh, we have to; otherwise people get hurt (18:43:05) P_W: yes risky (18:43:39) P_W: you think we should work out a protocol before talking to imal ? (18:43:47) renix: we have to have good = understandable reasons for decisions (18:43:54) renix: yes maybe a protocoll would be good (18:44:00) renix: also for the others (18:44:08) renix: so we all know the rules (18:44:12) P_W: ok, we can cook something up in the coming week ? (18:44:17) renix: yep (18:44:21) P_W: good for health (18:44:24) renix: :) (18:44:34) renix: a spicey soup (18:44:49) P_W: hey, it is getting hot and steaming in here, I am kind of alien with my computer (18:44:57) renix: i see :) (18:45:06) renix: well - then close it and have another beer :) (18:45:13) P_W: you feel the temperature rising through IRC ? (18:45:18) renix: nope (18:45:20) renix: :) (18:45:24) P_W: too bad (18:45:47) renix: no worries, i go get my load of electronics experiments now (18:45:53) P_W: anyway, i think I see homework clearly and we can contact nxt wk to continue ? (18:45:58) renix: yes (18:46:01) renix: sounqd niceq (18:46:02) P_W: super (18:46:09) P_W: thnx for ircing i like it (18:46:15) renix: ah, and i get my machine to be repaired soon (18:46:22) renix: me too (18:46:25) P_W: cruel! (18:46:30) renix: did you save it (18:46:32) renix: ? (18:46:34) renix: shall we? (18:46:45) P_W: i will on the pad ok ? (18:46:49) renix: cool --------------------- hello Reni, Some points we just talked about: Proposed timing: peter, reni and others, prepare from 20 april onwards. artists work together 10 days before the opening, so they meet beginning of may in Graz the opening of the expo is 15 may, in this weekend also performances and /or other activities take place it would be nice if artists can stay a bit longer the show can run until end of june, or even we could extend it, or parts of it, to connect to the Haus der Arkitektur who are organising a project in july a second iteration could be planned end of the year / beginning spring of 2016, preferably in Italy a third takes place in september 2016 in Brussels * We try to have a yearplan ready before 5 of december: that leaves one week before our deadlines of 12 december (constant) and 15 (esc) to do soon: * Reni talks to Jaromil and Agnese Trocchi to see if they have tips for an italian partner * Peter talks to Martino with the same question * Talk about budget * after we have some sight on a possible third partner, Peter talks to Imal, let's say two-three weeks from now? * we meet every tuesday afternoons to move the project forward see you there !