21 July 2022 Guest lecturers: Andy Merritt, Matt Ponsford Participants: Rebbeca, Laura, Manon, Kate, Amina, Monica, Taey, Jack Andy: Something & Son: at some point employed 8 ppl/micro-managing, each project is specialised-specific. Now work alone Mostly. Build project team instead (much better now) Longer you live, more people you need. Hire people project by project, projects are idea-driven. Laura: speculative idea driven Andy: scientific-rigor, working with knowledge based ppl makes so much easier, my work is understanding my limit. Laura: My site of work, New Forest, area of scienctific knowledge, SSI Andy: presentation, how do we switch our mentality from capitalism? Speculative idea to reality. Seed bombing (disrubtion, movement of soil, bring up old seeds), Vietnamese bombing site as social/ecological good?! Matt: wet hole as restoration ecosystem, part of de-fragmentation, badger -> landscape with sexy lion??! Ph neutral concrete for sea farming